Who We Are
Capro Inc. is a tropical produce import and distribution company specializing in bananas and plantains. Our business model is centered on client service, and we pride ourselves on supplying our wholesale and retail customers all year round. We carry the premium Congo Tropical Line, and we supply our customers 365 days a year, even during times when major multinationals such as Dole, Chiquita and Del Monte are experiencing shortages. We source our product from multiple countries from partner farms, and our main source of supply of bananas is from Grupo San Alberto in Costa Rica.
Within the banana industry, Grupo San Alberto is known as a pioneer for improving the social and environmental aspects of banana production. They were one of the first farms worldwide to certify themselves with the
ECO-OK stamp which evolved into the Rainforest Alliance certification. Grupo San Alberto also pride themelves in building strong relationships with their workers, providing them with rent free housing and modern sports and recreation facilities for their use. Through the sale of our bananas, Grupo San Alberto has also been able to provide their workers and families with the incentives needed to continue their formal education.
On behalf of Grupo San Alberto and on behalf of of CAPRO Inc., we are always looking for clients who share our values, and we are excited for the opportunity to start a commercial relationship with you.